Stress-Resilience Coaching

Stress-Resilience Coaching

Stress-Resilience Coaching

The world around us, political developments, war, financial difficulties, work life, and family life increasingly require us to be flexible and deal with constant challenges. Adversity in life is inevitable. Some of us are knocked down by life events, while others are not – what accounts for the difference?

Stress has physical and mental consequences:

  • Perception changes
  • Memory problems
  • Tension
  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Back pain
  • Sleep problems
  • Muscle twitching
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Strokes
  • and so on

Stress puts your health at risk. There is a strong link between stress and inflammation, and inflammation is at the core of most severe illnesses, including cancer, heart disease etc.

In stress-resilience coaching, we will look at stress from a perspective that enables you to find the origin of your stress. And the cause is most likely not what you suspect it to be. It’s not all the work, it’s not the annoying boss, it’s not the colleagues either, neither the pubescent children nor all the other expectations and challenges.

So let’s go on a journey together and

  • find out how you can enjoy greater wellbeing
  • develop an understanding of resilience and build up protective and resilience factors
  • learn how to deal with stress and challenges, learn new strategies and new options
  • learn techniques and methods that assist you in your unique life and situation

The aim of stress-resilience coaching is to enable you to deal with the challenges around you in a relaxed and serene way, to go through life happier and more cheerful – self-empowered, strong, and knowing how to lead a happy and healthy life.

Take care of yourself. You deserve it.